Seven wonders of the world - Семь чудес света

The ancients look,ed upon the following man-made things as the seven wonders of the world: the Pyramids of Egypt; the H anging Gardens of Babylon (a series of terraced gardens rising three hundred feet above the ground, said to have been built by king Nebuchadnezzar to please, his wife, who wearied of the plains of Babylon); the Temple of Diana at Ephesus burnt down by Herostratbs who wanted to make himself famous; the Statue of Jupiter by Phidias at Olympia; the Colossus of Rhodes, a gigantic statue of bronze over one hundred feet high, and towering above the entrance to the harbour; the Mausoleum, or tomb of Mausolus, at H alicarnassus; and the Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria.
So much has been written about the wonders of the ancient world that it is hard to distinguish between history and fable. Only the Pyramids of Egypt still survive as wonders.
In metaphorical speech the words one of the seven wonders of the world are applied to something really wonderful or magnificent. The words gave rise to the phrase the eighth wonder which is used ironically.

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1. Семью чудесами света назывались в древности семь памятников строительного искусства и скульптуры, поражавших современников своей грандиозностью и великолепием. 2. К ним относятся: египетские пирамиды, висячие сады в Вавилоне, храм Дианы Эфесской, статуя колосса Родосского, статуя Зевса работы греческого скульптора Фидия, гробница Мавсола в Галикарнасе и маяк на острове Фарос. 3. В образной речи одним из чудес света называют что-либо замечательное, великолепное, выдающееся. 4. Отсюда же возникло выражение восьмое чудо света, употребляемое в том же значении, обычно иронически.